Doily Love!
Do not fear the loyal doily! Listen to your grandmother, your lacey round friends can be quite practical and, with thanks to designers giving them a fresh creative spin, even trendy. And because they resemble snowflakes, I'm thinking this is another reason for their increased popularity in the cooler months. If you prefer to take the doily into your own hands (a little DIY'er are you?), perhaps this post will offer you a few affordable ideas where you have an ah-ha moment, "I can do that myself!". Because in some cases, you certainly can!

These look pretty simply pinned to a linen board as a decorative touch. This is the work area of Holly Waterfield's office space in the West Village at her boutique, Camp. Notice the many doilies framed above her desk...

something pretty just like blogger Sweet Paul did here.
Artsy! {via Emma}
While in Europe, I spotted the darling doily on linens and plates, even clothing, and now back in the states, I'm seeing them around town trying to win your favor and love despite how most tend to view them as, well old-fashioned and boring. Ah, c'mon... Show a little doily love. After this post, you may just start rummaging through the attic or hitting the local flea to find a few that you can bring forward into 2007. That's my goal.
Tips: I think it would be fun to hand sew a few to the bottom edge of a linen curtain (tone on tone is best for this look to stay modern vs. kitschy) or apply a few in random areas on a throw pillow. You can even use the paper ones and with a little spray glue, affix them to the exterior of a glass lantern or candle holder. Candles look so pretty glowing behind their intricate patterns.

into her mixed media art, on display here at Gross Stadt Rekorder.

the uber talented Tara Murray, the many ceramic bowls and plates
from Country Creek Pottery, the gorgeous work of
London artist Mhari McMullan. Are you a believer yet?

for a few good ideas. I like the Lacy Luminarias, the
Lovely Lace DIY idea, doily envelopes, and
the doily-edges shelves - this is a nice idea for a kid's room.

dinner plates offered over at Velocity Art + Design with
a goth vibe.

Small Stump "Tea For Me" Silkscreen print
(she churns out the cutest stuff), and
sweet retro pillows from Dottie Angel.

Ink Jet's badge set in black and white, or a damsels
and doilies key fob from Mary Mo. A black and white
tote made with love by Oh Honey, or how about
a cute wristlet from Generi Online?
doilies - both from Rockett St George, Silver
Elissa Frankino contemporary jewelry with
doily impressions (lovely), and Amy Butler lace work fabric.

Dottie Angel: dish towels. Tea towels "Tree House" from
new Scandinavian design store (in the USA - yeah!), Huset.
Love this store. You will too. Contrary uses a doily in her
dyptych painting, "When I Was Happy".
trends with a mug in blue and white, the porcelain doily cake stand
(perfect for cupcakes - make sure you view the up close details,
it's very sweet), and the bone doily mirrors (these are such a good
example of bringing a traditional design into 2007 in a very grown-up way).

"The doily will be handmade by my mother who has been crocheting for over 50 years! She has made nearly 2000 of these doilies and therefore I guarantee the quality. The cost is $15 for up to 8 letters. Each additional letter would be $2.00."
pure white to center in an all white frame and mat. Modern yet
extremely old-fashioned at the same time. I'm ordering! I have
a friend with an all-white home, this would be perfect for her
since she relies to much on texture to add warmth to her space.

(I picked one up for my coffee table over the weekend),
and some very dainty glasses with a doily motif.
Perfect for something a little boozey. :)
Psst: Free crochet doily pattern links {via Inhabitat}.
And for all the fashion victims out there, this doily tee from Urbans is a great piece to throw on beneath a cardigan or black velvet blazer.
So now I ask, do you or don't you desire a doily?
(images: All from those cited in this entry, with the exception of the intro image via Inhabitat.)