Decorative Country Living
I discovered this great online store via All Things Bright & Beautiful and The Inspired Room, it's called Decorative Country Living. I really like the product shots on their website and so I thought I'd share them here today.
I'm pulling together my inspiration boards for our new apartment this week so when I get them somewhat organized I'll post them here for you to see. I'm not sure if I'm going to use a board or a journal since I need something I can pack in my luggage and a large book may work better. I have this vision of translating my exact style into my home because one rarely has a chance to start from scratch so why not use it as an opportunity to really connect with my own space?
One thing I definitely want in my new place includes linen, white twinkle lights and a pretty mirror to string them on. I also want to do more of my own DIY projects and do more work by hand. I can't wait to hang wallpaper in the entry way, and purchase a really comfortable sofa. Of course, I'll be mixing in vintage with modern, but I don't want it overly pretty or country, I want to bring in some edge appeal through accessories that are modern and clean, urban, grown up, and again, uniquely my own vision. I'd like to find some silk scarves and make pillows. And I want to challenge myself and go 'there' as far as color is concerned.
Because our new apartment is a second home I plan to take one of my readers advice and go a little crazy -- do all the things there that I cannot do currently due to space issues and the fact that we rent our house over here - no wallpaper and such. I have so many ideas that I cannot wait to share and work on, I can hardly wait until August.
(images from decorative country living)