Etsy Take Five Tuesday

Hello and welcome to another Take Five Tuesday. Sheesh that sounded so boring. Let me try that again. Hey there and welcome to another installation of Take Five Tuesday where I nudge you over to the fabulousness that exists on Etsy. Better? Nah. How 'bout I just show you the goods! This week we have darling deer, cutie bags, little dolls, pretty rings, and a mini game for you (see the last etsy seller featured and play along!) -- I hope that you enjoy my picks this week!

We Dream In Color is beyond beautiful. This jewelry artist makes me want to spend money I don't have. I must comment on the prices of these pieces - GREAT. I mean you'd pay much more at some of our favorite chain stores for jewelry like this and I'm willing to guess it's all made in china. These works are made by Jade Gedeon and Jade is one talented lady! Drool fest...

I can't get enough of cute little bags for all the strangeness floating around in my massive tote. Sometimes I open it and pull out the oddest finds! I won't go into detail on some of them, but you must do the same and wonder, "What the... where did THAT come from?". Today I found a $10 bill and I honestly have no clue how that showed up because I haven't seen or touched American currency since the end of July. That is why a girl like me needs little bags in my purse. I have one for lipgloss and a mirror, another for my train pass and keys, and another for coins. I also have a little bag for aspirin, gum, and mints. :) If you are a bag lady like me, you may like Pocket Carnival. Good name for a shop that sells bags, so if there's a carnival in YOUR pocket(book) too, well you can easily manage the chaos with sweet hand illustrated bags. Darling!

Fatty deMonsey is her name and producing cute things for tea time is her game. And show of hands, who doesn't need a mug with a reminder like this along with a darling doe? "Every day I realise just how important my attitude is. No matter what happens in life, the way I approach each situation is the most important part of it. I can't change the actions or words of others, but I can make a choice about my own attitude. My mind is the most valuable asset I have. Come rain, hail or shine, it's more valuable than money, land, career, looks, skills or any other attribute or item you care to think of, and using it well should be the most important part of any education program. Life may be too short, but it's just too long to have a bad attitude when a good one can improve everything I do and every interaction I have. 90% of my life is how well I use my mind. Be brave, life is a joyous and wonderous thing."

Amen sista.

Or this reminder, "Downsize, simplify, spend more time with the people you care about... Buy less stuff, it brings such a short lived joy. Sit by the river and enjoy your favourite drink with a real friend or in peace on your own. Live your life to the full." I'll drink to that. After I buy the mug, that is. Then I shall simplify...

Ravenhill just may be the cutest shop in the whole wide world of Etsy. In fact it's so cute lets have a drinking game. When I say cute you drink something yummy. This Oslo artist makes THE sweetest cutest dolls (drink). You have to look at her cute shop (guzzle) and click on all of the cute dolls (slurp) and see the cute images (gulp) that she's uploaded to accompany each. So many sweet and cute detailed photos (drink), I like it so much. If you don't have babies (or friends with kids) you will want get baby pangs looking through her cute shop (chug) I swear it. :) Her blog is just as sweet as her shop and can be found here. This doll set is called, "Babies in a basket in need of a good mommy or daddy". Is your heart going to burst from the cuteness (drink)? We all want to be the mommy of those wee little softies!

Sean Morris is Bad Hair Mountain (I'm dying to know what that names all about but part of me is a bit scared to learn), a twenty something illustrator from Western Australia and I don't have anything insightful to say really, I just like his work. I mean it's simple, clean, and this particular print gives the imagination a chance to soar. You can look at it and build an entire story around the character he has drawn. It's fun, try it. Here's Meds above. I'm thinking she is playing with meds as in medication. Maybe mommy is on some, or perhaps she found these in the playground. What story can you build around this piece? I'd love to hear what Meds means to you... Do tell!

(images linked to artists featured above)


Kris's Color Stripes Calendar


Modern Economy Online Sale!