Inspired By: Autumn Edition
This is a totally girly post but I think you'll enjoy it. Today I thought I'd share some of my recent inspirations mood board style, things that have either directly influenced my work, my spirit, and/or my heart strings (tug, tug). I hope you enjoy this collection and I invite you to click on the links below to view more lovely items not show here within this post. I also invite you to create something like this and feature it on your own blog and link back to this post (leave your link in the comments section below). I think it's fun (and important) to share our inspirations as we can all learn, grow, and go 'ahhhh' together. I hope you enjoy these little gems. Enjoy!
{a.} Garden variety cakes.
{b.} "Into the Sun" photographic print by Ez Pudewa.
{c.} Lobster & Swan treasures.
{d.} New: Domino book (I don't have it yet but I heard it's lovely). Sneak peek here.)
{e.} The cutest bunny for a pet -- me want a silly wabbit too!
{f.} Free greeting card and tags at Creature Comforts.
{g.} Dilkabear prints.
{1.} Jen Gotch photography. {2.} Coats by Little Houses via: Trunkt. {3.} Charming illustrations by Kayo Tamaishi as shown here on the inspiration board of Secrets of a Butterfly. {4.} The photography of Shanon Gass. {5.} Books by Australian designer Shannon Fricke (Colour and Space is a book I cannot stop looking at lately, her other book called Colour is now on my wish list).
Of course I am inspired by my own things too... My house and what I fill it with. And I'm forever into my husband Thorsten. He is a treasure and makes our home shine. Sounds corny but it's true.
{a.} The indie art in my apartment in Germany. {b.} German designer Orike Muth's lighting. Swoon! {c.} More art in my little New Hampshire house. {d.} Fresh flowers from the farmers' market on Thursdays. I love arranging them. I inherited this love from my mother. She is flower obsessed and was trained as a floral designer so it's no wonder I guess...
{1.} Jen Skelley illustrations. {2.} The ever-inspiring October Pikapackage. {3.} More Jen Skelley patterns. {4.} The Free People blog. {5.} Free downloadable wallpaper for your computer from Free People.
{a.} Dahlias and astibe make for the perfect bouquet. {b.} A girly vintage dresser that was once unloved but now totally adored. {c.} J.Crew high heels for Fall. {d.} New: Kate Spade jewelry collection. {e.} A pretty but far from perfect workspace via Emmas Designblogg. {f.} Lena Corwin's lovely wedding invitations.
{1. + 2.} Kilim rugs (photos from Domino). {3.} Glittering cupcakes. {4.} Vintage tea trays from Le Souk. {5.} NK Pure incense sticks (esp. Litchi). {6.} Vintage costume jewelry from the flea market (via: Sweet Jessie).
{1.} German decorating magazines. Shown: Living & More. {2.} Dutch decor and design mags. Shown:VT Wonen and 101 Woonideeen. {3.} Jeu de Paume Books from the Yvestown shop (psst: Don't miss her new blog: Yvestown Lifestyle.)
{a.} A masculine Autumn boutonniere {b.} J.Crew colorful flats for tall girls like me. {c.} Quail eggs on display. {d.} A thoughtful gift bag display. {e.} Vintage wallpaper in tiny spaces, like a pantry or hall closet.
{1.} White interiors with touches of black and lavender. {2.} Rita Konig's serene and feminine bedroom. {3.} Bringing in found branches and arranging them as a decorative accent (photo via: Shannon Fricke's blog). {4.} Creative (and easy) centerpieces from the Martha Stewart gods. {5.} High heel typeface.
I also am inspired by scents. Tell me, what's on your perfume tray? Here is what I have on mine, I wear a different scent each day so I have seven which I know is not at all normal but normal is overrated I think. :)
{1.} Viktor & Rolf: Flower Bomb. {2.} Mexx: Berlin (Summer Edition). {3.} Kylie Minogue: Sweet Darling. {4.} Armani: Code (for Women). {5.} Clinque: Happy Heart. {6.} Dolce & Gabbana: Light Blue. {7.} Gap Body: Loveshack Body Mist. (Can't seem to find it on their website, I purchased it at Karstadt).
I'll make sure to show you another Inspired By again soon, I'm thinking a Winter Edition in January if that's okay with you?
(images linked to their sources above.)