Serena & Lily Giveaway: Winners!

It’s time to announce the winner of the Serena & Lily book and market sling giveaway. I hope that you’ve enjoyed this fun giveaway, I love these slings and the book is just so inspiring for new parents… Anyway, I’ve selected three winners using and they are:


Congratulations to #47 Trina, #52 Desiree Fawn and #121 Jen, I will contact each of you soon to find out the pattern and size (S,M or L) of the market sling you would like so please take a look at your choices so you can let me know.

I’d like to thank all who participated in this giveaway and to Serena & Lily for sponsoring it — each generous prize packaged is worth between $140-160!

Thanks again!

(image: serena & lily)


Etsy Take Five Tuesday


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