Greg Hatton Studio Tour in Australia
Hi decor8 readers, it's Jillian here bringing you another Shopgirl Studio Tour. When I visited Koskela a few months ago, I was introduced to the work of Greg Hatton. Greg is a furniture maker, lighting designer and recycle extraordinaire who's made his home in an old butter factory in the village of Newstead, Australia. You may have seen his work here before on decor8.
When I saw his work, I was so intrigued I wanted to see more and knowing I was going to be in Melbourne on a work trip, I emailed him to arrange a visit. In one of those extraordinary quirks of fate, I discovered Greg lived a short drive away from one of my dear friends, with whom I was to stay.

On a gorgeous sunny day, we drove to the Butter Factory. The countryside surrounding the factory is just gorgeous. The Old Butter Factory is an extraordinary building that Greg has resurrected. He's painstakingly stripped it back to it's current state - part workshop/part furniture showroom/part garden with a dash of accommodation thrown in for good measure. The garden has some intriguing outbuildings and remnants of it's previous life as a factory.

I also spied one of Leila Sanderson's cute teepees in the garden.

I roamed around with my camera -- In the workroom I spied the fixings for some of Greg's Fowler jar pendant lights and a Beetle Track stool in production. The main area of the Butter factory is enormous and I think it would be a great venue for a unique wedding celebration. Much of the furniture has been named like the aptly titled Flying saucer light, one of my favorites; the fantastic smooth sticky ball light and the upcycled bee box sideboard in the entry.

Greg is in the process of building some self contained accommodation to be furnished with his designs, all of which will be for sale. What a great idea to be able to take a little bit of something home with you! I was so inspired by the countryside, I'm now dreaming of my own little country getaway. Do you have similar dreams?

This talented man is on a mission is to combine art and nature with function and I think you'll agree he's managed to achieve this and much more. Many thanks to Greg and Katie for allowing me into their home.

How's this for a modern interpretation of a Christmas tree?
I'll be traveling a bit for the next several weeks and will visit some inspiring spaces in NYC that I hope to share with you upon my return. Until then! - Jillian.
(text/photography: jillian leiboff)