coffee + cre8tive [mar 24 06]

I'm totally feeling these new arrivals from snow + graham at luxe paperie. Although this perky wrapping paper is the last thing I need, that's never stopped me from throwing down the debit card and cha-chinging my way into paper heaven. These patterns make me feel bubbly, happy...the perfect way to feel on a Friday. It's weekend time everyone, time to unwind, relax, refresh. What are you planning to do this weekend?

Here are my goals:

* Go on a date with my husband. Yes, that would be nice. :)

* Clean out my atrocious walk in closet. Donate stuff to charity. Figure out a new way to display my vintage hat collection. I have a bit too much happening in that closet between clothes, books, handbags, hats, books, boots, jewelry... yup. Organize!

* Grocery shop for only whole foods - veggies and fruit. Some sushi. Must buy fresh squeezed OJ.

* Go swimming and do a couple hours of cardio at the gym. Current upper arms do not support current choice of flirty spring dresses.

* Step away from the computer and get a life. I think a truly balanced person gives themselves time to recharge. There's no race going on out there that I personally need to run 7 days a week.

* Get outside! It's going to be in the high 50s to low 60s here this weekend, so we'll go play tennis and do some hiking on the local trails.

What are your plans this weekend? It helps to actually make them so that your weekend doesn't slip away from you. I'm interested in knowing what you are all up to, and yes, I will hold you to your plans because when Monday morning rolls around, I'll expect a full report! :)

(photos from luxe paperie)




Vencka Series by Campbell Laird