ask decor8: Any Cool Brooklyn Wallpaper Stores?

decor8 reader Maria wrote in this morning, "I just moved to Brooklyn, can you recommend a place where I can find designer wallpaper, kind of Marimekko style? Thanks a lot, Maria."

Since I don't live in Brooklyn, I'm not exactly sure who carries what down there, so I can only point you the New York design maven, Apartment Therapy. I recall a few threads about wallpaper over on their site, so these links below should help get you started. Here's a few that I found especially helpful: Top 10 Wallpaper + Graphics and Where Can I Look for Non-Trad Wallpaper? You can also enter wallpaper under search on their site for more gems from AT.

Of course, I've written a lot of wallpaper posts here on decor8, here's a ton of wallpaper links from past articles.

Here's a wallpaper post I wrote for 2Modern with some wallpaper links that you may enjoy.

There's a great Brooklyn store called Matter that also may carry wallpaper.

You are also welcome to look to your right and beneath sponsors, you'll see shopping links organized by city. Lots of Brooklyn stores that you can check out - perhaps you'll land on exactly what you're looking for over there.

Anyone else? Looking for cool wallpaper in Brooklyn - any Brooklyn peeps reading that can chime in here?


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