Re-found Objects

If you love vintage style, don't miss this place. It seems like every time I pick up an issue of Living Etc, I spot products from Re-found Objects. What a terrific source for reproduction and recycled vintage goods, it's like a glorious online flea market.

These pendant jelly lights, made from vintage jelly molds, are totally clever, don't you think? I'd love to paint them in white or a bright fire engine red.

And I love the old-fashioned charm of these vintage-inspired pillows, the union jack is my favorite, I'm not huge on flags as decor, but a tiny little jack is so quintessentially Britian that it's a must-have for any anglophile.

But back to those mold lights, how hard could it be to make your own? Perhaps search ebay for vintage jelly molds (I just spotted a set of 4 there for $1.99!), drill a hole in the top center, and purchase one of those inexpensive lighting kits from IKEA and you're more or less finished. You could also find a vintage bundt pan, those already have a hole. Hmmm. I seriously wonder how easy a project like this would be because on paper it doesn't look like much of a challenge. Has anyone worked on a similar project before?

(images from re-found objects)


Deyrolle (Paris)


A Little Hut *New* Wall Art + Cards