Unfinished Frames on the Cheap

I've been trying to stay busy this week to avoid falling into a total state of depression over the recent death in our immediate family. The only way I can get through it all and maintain some joy is to find things to do around the house, play positive music, and work on a few projects that are easy enough so that I don't walk away frustrated and tense. Stay positive! Keep smiling! That's the only way to deal sometimes when all I want to do is hide under my blanket.
No hiding allowed.

So I painted a wall in my living room this morning. No clue why, but I felt like painting things was the way to kick my sadness. And it works. Last night, I put those sticky discs on some of my favorite plates like I told you about earlier. No real effort there, but it made me feel like I accomplished something because I seriously detested those wire hangers I had before. So a few easy tasks later, and my smile is more natural and less forced.

But I still feel like painting, so I took this small unfinished wood frame that I found at the craft store and applied a few coats of white paint. I love all the little original works of art that I buy, but most of them look so much nicer when framed and I'm not about to run to the frame store for every little painting I have. I just came back from the local frame shop and $200 later, I have two of my favorite prints up and gorgeous. But still, $200 is a lot of money and I certainly can't give all of my art work the royal treatment. Unfinished frames, no glass, that's the way to go for mini paintings. Plus, it makes them appear much larger.

I think this $4 one works nicely with one of my Creative Thursday paintings purchased back in March. These frames come in various sizes and widths, so I didn't give it much thought, I just grabbed the only one on the shelf assuming that for $4, it will work until I can buy a better frame. It had a 5 x5 insert, the painting is 5 x 5, so what could go wrong. Nothing.

The results are very nice after applying a few coats of primer, a few coats of white acrylic paint, and a single coat of clear lacquer. I simply popped the 5x5 painting in the back and taped to secure. I know I can use hardware to secure it, but until I run to Lowe's, strong tape will do just fine. So what will I do next? Maybe I'll go buy a new staple gun and try not to staple my hand as I did last time when I was reupholstering a chair and held the gun backwards. Ouch! Okay, no staple gun projects for me this week. I think I'll sew something, that's always great therapy and I do have some pants to hem...

Psst: If you'd like a pretty painting from Marisa, don't miss her online sale going on today - I'm not sure what time she'll be posting them, but I'm sure they'll sell out quickly so make sure you keep checking her blog for updates.

{Update: Marisa just posted her paintings right here.}

(images from holly becker for decor8)




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