The Gift Bag Factory

I've got my eye on The Gift Bag Factory lately because they work with illustrators from all over the world and I think that's pretty cool. From Foxy + Winston, Sesame Letterpress, Pancake + Franks, Sukie, John McDonald Design to Ambriel Floyd, Janette Ritter, Looky Loo, Dewey Howard, Binth and others have pulled together some of the best gift bags ever. Total hotness!

Can you imagine some of these beautiful bags filled with fresh flowers to give to a friend? What about a few as an inexpensive centerpiece option with fresh peonies or roses arranged inside for a girly luncheon or baby shower? Of course, they're also great for toting around your junk or for the more common purpose, placing a gift inside for a friend, but think outside the bag and you may come up with some creative ideas for using these sweet bags for yourself. Maybe in the home office to store spare supplies and such?

(images from the gift bag factory)


Mettes Pottery {Denmark}


Fabric Tales {Japanese cuteness}