Reader Q: Pimp My Windows!

Cyndi is a decor8 reader who desperately wants to add window treatments to her master bedroom. She has lived in her current home for three years with bare windows. "I'm at a complete loss and each time I start looking into beginning this project I get overwhelmed and stop", she said. I think this is a common problem, I call it decorator's block. For whatever reason, our brain freezes when it comes to certain spots in the home. Do you have this problem? If you do, please consider sending in your problem spot and I'll gladly give you some advice and post it on decor8 for readers to comment on. Don't be shy, we all have our issues! :)

Let's help Cyndi, okay? It's always easier to fix the problems of others instead of our own, so we're going to help this lady spruce up these windows!

Notes: She is pretty wide open to ideas but mentioned that privacy is an issue now that her neighbors installed a pool and seem to add more and more toys all the time. A wood fence provides some privacy, but she can see over the fence from her bedroom windows. She wants to have privacy while allowing in some light.

Ideas: I suggest a single solid sheer flanked by floor length panels and I'd add a shade or wood blinds (since you have deep set windows) under the sheer to close in the evening. For more design help, you may enjoy reading this post because most of the advice that I offered Jonis applies to your windows.

Would you like to help Cyndi? If so, please leave her your advice below.

(image from cyndi for decor8)


Abigail Brown


Hable Construction at Pottery Barn Kids