Happy Weekend!

I'm popping in for a moment to say so long until Monday -- I'm signing off for the weekend and wishing you well until we meet again! I thought I'd leave you with an image today that I simply love. I saved it in my "inspire me" file on my desktop and I cannot figure out where it came from... but I love it so much! If it is familiar to you, and you know who the photographer is, please comment below so that I may edit this post and link to the photographer's website. But seriously... is this room not heaven? At least it's MY heaven, I could live in this space and imagine it as the perfect summer cottage along the coast. So let's all pretend it's ours and that we'll be escaping there this very weekend!

Happy Weekend!

Speaking of cottages, it seems lots of people I meet locally either own or rent cottages in Denmark along the coast since it's so close by. Does anyone know much about Danish cottage rentals or have any contacts because I really, really, really want to find a place to rent on a regularly basis - once or twice a year - as an escape space. I feel left out with friends going away to their summer cottages, maybe I need to rent a little one too.

Oh and by the way... next week I'll be posting 4 days Monday-Thursday only because Friday I'm taking a holiday!

Make this weekend a great one!

(image: if you know, please tell  me!)

5/8/10 Update: Photographer found! It was taken by Trine Torsten. You must check out her website!


How Does Art Make You Feel?


Crate and Barrel Lamps