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Cableyoyo + Pop [Designlounge]

So much to manage in our crazy-busy life. Time management. Relationship management. Cord management.

Cord management?

Yup. Ultra-thin cord management. Let me explain. Do you suffer from cable clutter? You have all those cool gadgets laying around with all those uncool cords spewing out all over? Meet Bluelounge, makers of Cableyoyo. Bluelounge is a design studio based in Pasadena, CA founded by product designer Dominic Symons and graphic designer Melissa Sunjaya. Cableyoyo is one of their products that reduces cord clutter via good cord management. This nifty device, available in silver, white and black, was designed to wind and hide cords from cell phone chargers and digital accessories, spooling up to 6 feet manually. The best part, they're only $4.95 each. Nix your cord complication with Cableyoyo.

But, there's more...Cableyoyo is introducing this additional, even more amazing device called, "POP". It's a tiny cord winder that attaches to devices like iPods, laptops, and cell phones to manage smaller cords (like ear bud cords). It's available in white or black and, now for my personal favorite (drum roll please), you can decorate it with pop art decals, 10 styles for the black pop and 10 additional styles for the white pop. As soon as this item becames available in April, I'm placing an order. I can't tell you how tired I am of going to the gym and struggling with ear bud cords.

No more cord drama for us cool kids now, thanks to Designlounge and Cableyoyo.

(Photo: TOP: White "POP" with decal. BOTTOM: "Cableyoyo" in white. Photos from Cableyoyo.)