Henry + Lulu

John + Jackie O. Harry + Sally. Brad + Angelina. Famous couples make news. The latest hot couple? Henry +Lulu.


Meet Henry + Lulu, the latest name in online shopping and your newest online destination for "gifting" friends, hubby, pets, and the sweet bambinos in your life. Featuring "all things pretty, fun, and functional", Henry + Lulu deliver bags and accessories by Orla Keily, fun Angela Adams items (pretty trays + handbags + sketch books), Babydoll Pliner accessories for dogs, Tin toys from Paya of Spain, and two-sided cozy baby blankets by Larucci... Who can resist? You can shop by designer on their website, which makes navigation a breeze. They carry items you'll be ga-ga over from at least 50 "now" designers for women, men, baby, home, + pet.

(Photo: TOP: Babydoll Pliner bright patent leather collar for $55. BELOW: Orla Keily "Pink Flower" handbag for $235. Laura Zek "The Alphabet" art priced at $400; created exclusively for Henry + Lulu clientele. All photos from Henry + Lulu.)


Garnet Hill


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