Pushing Past your Design Comfort Zone

This is an Oprah moment. Pause for a second and think this over, especially useful if you're stuck in a design rut due to your lack of risk taking.

Grab a pen. If you type as much as I do in a day, you may have forgotten what one looks like. You can find them in some random cup on your desk in blue and black. Grab one. We all do it at times. Some way more than others. We wake up and do the same things, over and over again. Bagel and coffee. Toast and tea. Same applies to decorating your space. Key here is to push past your comfort zone, break the mold, and challenge yourself.

Write down 5 small things that you may not usually lean towards pulling off in your space. Maybe you've wanted to wallpaper ONE wall, but you're scared. Get crackin' fraidy cat! Maybe your entire space is too neutral. Blah. Boring. Yawn. You have to change that!

Whatever the case, you can and you will make positive changes in your space if you start your top 5 list. Pick one and commit to doing it THIS WEEK. Once you've completed that task, proceed to the next and keep working your way down the list until you've shed your design fears and your space is fresh and really reflects who you are and not some template of what it could be if you only would add an amazing orange pendant light or that bright fuschia wall.

You can even write your list here, under the comments link below. Sometimes voicing your design fears in public can motivate you to get started. You'll find that the more you work your way down your list and break the mold, the more daring you'll get when it comes to design.

What do you think?

(photo from mushroom girls virus. I just thought it was pretty.)


Inside Avenue

