coffee + cre8tive [feb 28 '06]
Hornbill loved his green-vine house in the top of the mango tree. "The jungle is peaceful here", said Hornbill, biting on a mango seed. "We all live together quietly, as friends should."
Those words, written on the first page of my favorite childrens book,'The Lion's Bed', were ones that my mother read to me over and over again for many years, ones that I've memorized and connect to very exciting times - hearing a favorite story. Back then, it was like that fresh issue of Elle Decor arriving in the mail. It was your time to sit down, be still, and enjoy every single page.
Today, I'm inpsired by this wallpaper print from Wook Kim, because it reminds me of Hornbill in his jungle, how I imagined him back then, living amongst the lush vines in tropical serenity. Sometimes, that's the life we all crave, to escape, to be alone, breathe in the natural world around us, live together quietly with others, just as friends should. Then, reality hits. We have bills to pay, people to please, and deadlines to meet. Sometimes, we need to simply 'step away from the drama' and reflect on the simpler times. Times when our lives were less complicated, when our only concern was whether we'd arrive at the bus stop late, unable to grab a seat in the back with our friends.
I enjoy sprinkling inspiration around my space, little things that I relate to, seasoning my home with items that ground me again, pull me back to center. You must relate to this. It can be a print, a book, a cherished present from a friend.
Pause for a moment, take 5 minutes, turn down the news, shut off the 'noise' and just think about one place in your life when you recall feeling completely uncomplicated.
Doesn't that feel nice?
Sitting atop my mothers lap, wearing my favorite shiny black patent leather shoes and pink gingham dress, my warm brown banana curls cascading around my face... listening intently for the thousandth time as she retold the tale of Hornbill. That's completely uncomplicated.
(photo above from wook kim)