Christine Adolph Designs + Do YOU Blog?
This isn't a store, but before we get started on featuring a few beautiful stores today, you simply must look at Christine's captivating blog featuring her delicious designs, thoughts, illustrations and my favorite, photos of her inspiration books. I have some inspiration books that I created about home design, this gives me the idea to perhaps post some of them online for you to see at some point, especially after seeing how viewing hers impacted me.
I think this is truly what makes the world of blogging so wonderful, so unique. We can all showcase our talents, our passions, our dreams in an environment where we can play by our own rules. No one can tell us that our story won't run, our work won't be exhibited, our ideas won't be published in the next big glossy, our ad won't appear until the next issue.
A blog is where YOU are the editor-in-chief, YOU decide what 'runs' or not, and YOU have a chance to really develop lasting relationships with readers that share some of your views. Although I subscribe to every magazine out there, and love them all, I think blogs like The Studio Garden are completely unique, spoken from one voice with love in her heart for what she is fond of. How beautiful is that?
Do you blog? Comment below with your blog site address so everyone can have a chance to see what your passions and talents are. It's okay, shamelessly plug away and when you do, make sure you write what your blog features next to your URL. :)