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Just when you think life can't get any sweeter, you stumble across the most fantastic Mibo wallpaper and suddenly, you slip into a shopping spiral that leads you blissed out and amazingly broke. But, you know what, the house looks good and sometimes that's all we design junkies really care about.

So, I'm sure you've all seen Mibo lighting, gosh they're cute and they're being plugged all over town. I haven't seen the wallpaper get much press, so I figured I'd step up to the plate and let you know that it does exist, it's real pretty, and it is totally worth checking out. If wallpaper isn't enough, Mibo had to go and make more cute stuff for us to freak out over. Look at these throw pillows and ceramic mugs, will ya? I heart Mibo...

I checked out their stocklists (store locations), they seem to be available in stores located in the UK, Europe, New Zealand as well as online at Design Public, 2Jane, and Velocity Art + Design.

Since I'm experiencing sensory overload, I need to go get some fresh air and try to stare at some white space for a moment. Don't worry, the candy is still coming. I'll be back with more yummy things soon...

(photos from mibo)