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coffee + cre8tive [apr 19 06]

I read an interesting article this morning, Can Bloggers Make Money?, from the Wall Street Journal online. It dicusses how, although blogs generate buzz, can they bring in the cash? The article chats it up with blog entrepreneur Jason Calacanis, who recently sold his network of blogs to AOL. He chats with a very skeptical Alan Meckler, CEO of Jupitermedia.

My favorite, and I'll quote it, is from Alan Meckler when he says, "Blogs are fun for someone who wants a pulpit and does not care about making money. Blogs are really the "diaries" of yesteryear."

Then Jason Calacanis replies, "OK, I think we've reached entrepreneurial stasis on this one: The majority will not make a living off blogging, some will. Time will tell how big the some market is, hundreds or hundreds of thousands. I'm going with the latter."

Alan Meckler says "blogs are really diaries or microcosms of what is happening in millions of ways in daily life -- ranging from special interests to business specialties to whatever. Obviously there is money to be made with blogs, but very, very few will bring in more than a few hundred dollars per year"

What do you readers think?

(photo from