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Boon Inc. Introduces Flo

Hmmm... Just what is this thing?

I love Robert's blog, coochicoos, and try to get over there at least daily to see what he's posted. Sure, it's mostly kids stuff, and I have no offspring to share all these goodies with, but I still enjoy seeing all that is new in children's design that relates to products and furnishings for the home. One product that caught my attention on his blog recently is the Flo bathtub faucet from Boon, shown above. A built in bubble dispenser, water diverter creating a gental waterfall and a protective cover so you don't scratch your skin, this sounds like a great addition to homes with kiddies everywhere. I mean, a bubble dispense? Sheesh, sounds like something I need, forget the kiddies. {grin}

(image from coochicoos via boon)