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coffee + cre8tive {may 18 '06}

Take the cutest pillow from frau liebe, lots of beautiful finds at Happy Mundane, and add the perfect sunny day, and I'm one happy blogger. How is everyone doing? I've been very busy lately with work, but that's a good thing. Lots of projects going on, all very inspirational and ones that are making me stretch my imagination a bit and venture out of my comfort zone. I hope you are having a productive week so that at the end of the day on Friday, you can pump your arms over your head and say, "oh yeah baby, another successful week!".

I was so happy when I saw the Daily Candy Boston weekend guide today, my friends over at the South End Open Market were the first on the list of hot places to hang out this weekend, so if you've missed the DC article, click here and don't miss the South End Open Market in Boston's South End this Saturday and Sunday.

(image from frau liebe)