Cally Creates Blog

Did you see Cally's collection of buttons on her blog? You'll just love them. For a quick mini project, I decided to look for glass jars with metal lids. I found some at target in clear glass with metal screw top lids that are absolute perfection. My plan is to display them on the shelf above my desk... Filling them with pretty + colorful things that make me happy.

The first jar will contain buttons. Old, new, all shapes and sizes. The second, vintage spools of thread, you know the kind on the off-white thin spools that you can tell have been used? And the third, maybe used stamps that I've collected from Europe dated between the 30s and the 60s. I've also thought about filling it with torn samples of my favorite wallpaper patterns or little rolls of my favorite fabric samples tied like scrolls with a thin ribbon around each.

What would you fill your jars with?

(image from the super ms. cally)


BellaMuse Prints


Vanessa De Vargas (aka Turquoise) Featured in California Home Design