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coffee + cre8tive {july 11 '06}

How do you organize your work space? I'm a very visual person so having everything in front of me is important or else I risk losing track of what I am to work on next. I have most of my work tacked on a fabric covered board above my desk, but I've run into a problem lately. It's a bit, well scary to look at it... No longer doing what I've intended it to. Instead of organizing my life, it looks like a fan blew everything off of my desk and now it's all sticking to my wall on this tiny board. Projects (work) are blending in with pretty cards from friends and random quotes that I like to display there. I'm thinking I need to separate pretty and inspiring from projects and goals. They can't live together peacefully at this point. I'm losing my mind.

Have you encountered this problem? Any ideas? I'm going off to search through one of my favorite flickr groups, Pretty Organized, to get some ideas. In the meantime, what do you think of the board shown above? It's a nice idea for displaying cards and quotes...

(image from vigo)