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Fishs Eddy Summer Sale + New Outlet Store in Brooklyn!

I forgot to tell you guys (sorry!), but when I was in Brooklyn Heights a few weeks ago, I visited the new Fishs Eddy outlet store at 122 Montague! It's the perfect little outlet storefront, and Montaque Street has so many great little places to eat, that it's worth a trip over there to shop and eat. In addition to their teriffic outlet, Fishs Eddy is also having a great summer sale in both their flagship store at 889 Broadway at 19th Street in NYC and right here online for the rest of us. I really like the pantone dinnerware and the faux bois owls and squirrels dishes by artist Jessie Hartland. See anything at Fishs Eddy that you can't resist?

(images from fishs eddy)