Apartment Therapy: Boston - On Its Way!
Yesterday, Apartment Therapy announced that Boston will be the home of their newest blog. Yup, AT:BOSTON is on it's way in September, kids! I'm excited about this because the decision was made via polls Maxwell had on the site for weeks, and we were running neck to neck with Washington, DC and of course, the Pacific Northwest crowd had cast their votes, too. Both will have blogs in the future, but Boston is the next one scheduled to launch (257 votes!).
I think this says something about Boston as a whole. Not only are we a design savvy bunch, but we're quick to jump when it means claiming our space. Boston AT:NY readers were voting their little hearts out and in the end, it won us a spot. It will be great to have AT:BOS in town, this city has so much to offer, and I'm certain that if we all work together to spread the word, the site can grow and become another well behaved AT child.
With more and more transplants relocating here for work, our trendy city with old world charm is attracting notice. We have a beautiful city, amazing coastline, and access to New Hampshire and Maine vacation spots. The potential for improvement and growth is obvious. Boston recently had a major NYC investor purchase several mill buildings in southie over near Summer Street (near the waterfront opposite the Boston post office main branch). He plans to rejuvenate that entire waterfront area with the charm of SoHo. Many other investors are placing their bets on Boston as well, scooping up property to restore it, especially now that the Big Dig is wrapping up. (At least we don't have to suffer through that another 18 years of that.)
Boston - Apartment Therapy is coming - Are you ready? I sure am!
Read the AT official announcement here.
(image from at)