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La Moi

Sometimes I come across pretty things that aren't home design related, but in some way they brightened my day or simply inspired me to think differently or try something new. Coxi, a design blogger based in Portugal (he's only 19!) sent me a "gift" as he titled the email, the gift was a link to La Moi, a site he thought I'd really enjoy. He was right (thanks, Coxi!).

La Moi, a fashion website based out of Santander (Cantabria, Spain), may not be home design related, but I fell in love with the chic illustrations and the cute music box tunes that play when you enter the site, so I had to share it with you. I wish the illustrations somehow merged with their collection, I'd love to see them silk-screened on a few tees or even some throw pillows or a blanket. Fashion illustrations have always intriqued me, so very pretty.

Over the weekend, my husband gifted me with some 1930's fashion sketches from an unknown designer along with a Butterwick Pattern Book from 1932 from the antiques store. He also picked up a fashion magazine from the late 1800's. We read some of the articles together and couldn't believe how, although over a century old, fashion rules and advice on morals and character still apply today. I have to snap some photos of these things, you may enjoy seeing them...

Speaking of fashion, are you all geared up for Project Runway tonight? I can't wait, as always! Does anyone know when the last episode is? I'm thinking I'll miss the finale of some of these shows I've been watching since I leave on September 21 for Germany (no PR in Deutschland!).

(images from la moi)