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coffee + cre8tive {oct 11 '06} CONTEST DAY!

Let's have a little fun, shall we? Time to get a little interactive here, so readers, voice your opinions! We need YOU!

A huge shout out to everyone that either spread the word on your own blogs and of course, to those that entered our first ever decor8 contest, sponsored by Fabulous Stationery. What fun! Entries hit my inbox daily for two weeks, which freaked me out a little because I guess I didn't expect such a reaction. After hitting 20 solid entries, with more flowing in daily, I decided that I'd need the opinions of decor8 readers in order to narrow it down to the final three.

Here's the plan. I'll post the top TEN entries (I had to whittle it down to ten) between today and tomorrow. Please comment on each post, what you think about the workspace, the card, and whether or not you think it deserves top 3 status. You can disguise yourself as "anonymous" if you're scared to come forward, so no excuses! You can also shoot me a private email stating who you think should get final three status. I'll post 5 entries today, and 5 on Thursday and on Friday - the WINNERS will be announced! Sound like a plan?

Here's the original post outlining the rules of the contest.

Okay then, let's get started...

All workspace photos will be posted in this flickr album, too.

(image from decor8, my workspace while I'm in Germany. I guess it is only fair of me to show you mine since you've showed me yours.)