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Herzallerliebst (Germany)

I met up with Hamburg-based Herzallerliebst this past weekend over at Infa here in Hannover, and fell in love with their textiles, used on stylish handbags, baby shoes, pillows, laundry totes, everything you can think of! I saw so many hip chicks toting around Herzallerliebst bags at Infa, I could tell they were a huge hit with the ladies. Their design is so feminine, a sprinkle of girly, lots of English influence, and a definite Asian touch. It was impossible to chat with them for long, their booth swarmed with excited shoppers, but I grabbed their website addy and a few snapshots to share with you so you can check them out for yourself online.

Note: If you're attending infa, they're in hall 25, booth c34 - and a huge shopping perk: everything in their booth is 50% off! Yes, really! You have until October 22nd, so hop on over to Infa!

(photos from herzallerliebst + infa images by holly becker for decor8)