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coffee + cre8tive {oct 20 '06}

As an ASID member, I receive weekly industry updates via their e-newsletter, Eye on Design. This week was of particular interest to me since it mentioned a local project (Boston) about a home built almost entirely out of recycled materials from the Big Dig. The Big Dig results in cool digs, I guess. (see above photo) Read all about it here in BusinessWeek.

Another worthy read was published in the West Magazine, from the Los Angeles Times. It reports on how LA buildings are undergoing make-overs. These born-again buildings formerly functioned to service communities as a church, water tower or grocery store. No longer being used for their intended purpose, the old American way of ripping everything down and starting over may not be the move of the future. Seems peeps are taking more of an interest in preservation, and for good reason, with a growing interest in saving our planet, saving our money, and of course, living in a non-traditional home with a story behind it. Dubbed by preservationists as "adaptive reuse", you too can live in a water tower or whatever else strikes your fancy. Perhaps you're fond of supermarket style? Purchase a grocery store. Imagine... Your bedroom smack in the middle of what was formerly known as the produce aisle. Read more about these cool habitats here.

And finally, Starwood Announces their First Sustainable Hotel Chain. Cool concept, one that is (shhh don't tell anyone I said this) long overdue. The hotel chain, named "1", will be the first luxury, eco-friendly hotel brand. Learn about planned locations and oodles more over at

Happy reading and most of all, Happy Friday everyone!

(image from business week magazine)