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Apartment Therapy: The Eight Step Home Cure Book

Question. Have you read and applied the book Apartment Therapy: The Eight Step Home Cure? I have it, but being away from home for nearly two months now, it's not really a book I can dig into at the moment. I am a huge AT addict though and find the whole "cure" thing most fascinating - especially how Maxwell's loyal (and massive!) readership responds to each and every step on his book blog. I can burn hours reading through all the comments. Good stuff.

Confession. I'm a pack rat. Bigger issue is that I don't pack junk, I pack some seriously nice items that I truly love but have zero space for. People also give me lots of nice things that I don't want to part with - things from clients, gifts from friends. How do you say goodbye to it all? I need to hop on the home cure band wagon and edit my space because my little home is bursting at the seams and this is not good but at the same time, how do you toss items you adore?

Have you followed the cure and if so, do you have any thoughts/advice on the subject? I'd love to hear what you have to say.

(image from apartment therapy)