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Susan Stockwell + Studio Caparrelli {london}

See this photo (first image)? I had to share it because I really like the idea of creating a paper quilt. I started making fabric quilts in 1999, but never did I consider creating one out of paper. This image sent my idea gears spinning... (click on any of these images for a larger view.)

The talented artist behind these creations is Susan Stockwell of London (read her bio here). Susan works primarily with paper, from coffee filters to tea bags, and my favorite, maps. Her work is something to marvel, especially when you see how she's created life size gowns from paper - like this Victoria dress formed by maps of the British Isles.

You can arrange to see her works at Studio Caparrelli in London. Have you ever visited this studio before? Thoughts? It looks like a great way to spend a day in London, to me...

Studio Caparrelli
69 Harrington Gardens
Suite 3, London SW7 4JZ
Tel +44 (0)20 73703850
Studio website

(images from susan stockwell)