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I Have Arrived...

This post on Marisa's blog made my day.

It means so much to me when a decor8 reader relates to something I've said here on the blog. It makes working on my own less lonely. I tend to avoid design projects in the winter, I simply don't like running around on residential design projects in zero degree weather. I'm a southern girl, all this snow and gray gets to me so I prefer to just stay indoors. (Although I have a bachelor pad to start working on in a few weeks over at Charles River Park in Boston, so I'll be out and about again soon enough.) Anyway, thanks Marisa for the post. :) It's really nice to know that I'm not alone and finding those of you through this blog that can relate to me means so much. So thank you.

If any of you missed the news, Marisa and I are teaming up for a podcast in the next few weeks about Creative Living - I'll be posting more about that here as soon as it's live. Should be fun! Let me know if you have any specific questions for us about either working for yourself, making the break from the corporate world, creative living, design and decorating, or whatever else you have on your mind. Comment below or send me an email at decor8blog{at}yahoo{dot}com.

(image from creative thursday)