Freckle Wonder
I *heart* Freckle Wonder. You know that one girl from grade school that you thought was the coolest chick alive? Well, she's back and she has a website.Freckle Wonder is a girl that we'd all love to have as a friend. Jenny has style, she's a woman doing it for herself (small business owner along with her life partner Matt, their fur kids, and their son, Henry), with a gorgeous mid-century retroish home, and she's so pretty - like a grown up doll. Jenny sells everything from home accessories to shoes and clothes on her website, so it's a fun browse and worth a bookmark so you can keep an eye on things - she's constantly updating the site with new stuff.
I think it's great that she models everything and that Matt is the resident photographer, styling to perfection. I don't know whether he does this already or not, but I'd love to see Matt sell some of his product shots, I think many of them would be great framed or as greeting cards. Anyway, I'm lovin' Freckle Wonder and I hope you do too. Great girl, great site.
Psst: She's a blogger, hurray!
(images from freckle wonder)