Anne Bruno Floral + Event Design (NYC)

[This is a little shout out to a friend whom I admire... She doesn't even know I'm posting this, but I am so proud of her that I just have to.]

We're almost in the month of April and you know what that means... Beautiful weather and a mailbox full of invitations (hopefully letterpressed) to some of the best parties, weddings, and patio cocktail hours that include lots of sashaying around the dessert bar eyeing the chocolate truffles and champagne... And whether you are attending, or playing hostess, there will be flowers, because at the best events, gorgeous flowers are always on display.

Recently, my friend Tammy stopped by while she was in town, leaving behind a note with her business card in my door. Sad to see that I'd missed her, I glanced at her card and felt an immediate smile on my face because she's the Manager of Anne Bruno Floral + Event Design in NYC.

Tammy is a big apple success story and I'm proud of her. She left behind her home and large family, with whom she is extremely close to, all in the name of floral design in Manhattan. Something a girl in her early 20's would only dare to do all alone. I remember when she left, I was both sad and proud, sad to see a friend leave, but happy she was on a mission - not as another hopeful girl jumping to see where she lands, but heading out with a game plan and a passion, and from what I can see, she's making it in old New York.

Tammy has real talent, she's been obsessed with flowers as far back as her early teen years. I've seen her work numerous times at events, and most recently at a large wedding and reception where her gorgeous blooms nearly took our breathe away. Only the bride was more revered.

Here's some of her recent press.

You can contact her at tammy{at}annebruno{dot}com or directly at 212.766.5660.


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