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Nore more old skoll blogging...

Blog enhancements: Update! First on my to do list was to convert this blog over from the old blogger to the new one. I can't believe I finally did it, I'm thrilled with the results for many reasons, mostly technical ones that I won't bore you with here. I must announce one major enhancement that will make your life much easier when you visit decor8 going forward. Posts will contain labels, located at the bottom of each entry. This excites me because I've always wanted my readers to be able to click on a label, i.e. "Wallpaper" and instantly view all of my posts on wallpaper.

Although this means that I need to manually label over 2,000 blog posts, I tackled 350 of them last night and will work on the rest over the next week. My goal is to have everything labeled by Friday, so I'm thinking it will take me around 20-30 hours. But it's worth it because I want decor8 to be a great design resource for you -- you should be able to find what you are looking for with ease. Currently, posts roll into archives and the blogger search (above my banner to the left) pulls everything I've ever posted that contains the word that you're searching for. Not good. Most of the time, it doesn't bother to pull everything or it pulls so many irrelevant posts that it's quite frustrating.

I'm also working on a new link or button (not sure where it will go yet) that will bring you to page where I'll have all of my labels organized there by category. Home tours, Store tours, Wallpaper, Lighting, Chairs, Sofa, Furniture (in general), Prints, Art, Kids, Decals, Cities, etc. This will be helpful for when you are looking for a light fixture to install in your dining room, you can click on lighting and scan through all the posts there for resources and inspiration.

I hope that you enjoy these new features.

(image above from nao, a flickr girl that I've been following for awhile now, she's amazing.)