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Plaid Pony Vintage

Meatloaf, spam, and hamburger helper may no longer be on the menu, but it doesn't mean we have to forget everything from our past. If you're looking for a little flashback, click on over to Lara Long and her store, Plaid Pony Vintage. From clothing to housewares, Lara even carries these neat polaroid pictures for $50 each taken by her husband, also available as notecards, $18 for a pack of six.

Look at this stuff, is it not the best? Where's Ward and June Clever anyway, and those days of domestic perfection? I actually owned these McDonald's action series glasses... I was born in the 70's, so I remember most of these things. By the way, is the yellow and white lamp and doxie pillow not the best? I love the shine on that lamp, although it's plastic, it would look great on one of those white lacquered desks with a white shade, banded with a slim ribbon trim in a white/yellow chevron pattern, perhaps?

(images from plaid pony vintage)