Real Simple Galleries

Jason wrote about something that I look forward to whenever Real Simple hits my mailbox, the amazing paper constructions inside! Check out the new paper construction gallery on the Real Simple website showing a few from past issues. I hope they spoil us and show them all. I loved the ones that they created using road maps once. Do you remember them? They were amazing.

While cruising their site, I found more goodies! There's a terrific new round up of all their past covers from 2001-2006, and since they have some of the best stylists around (outside of the Martha Stewart gang), I love examining all the details for styling ideas. And sidepoint, but don't they have the best wall colors ever?

If you have time today, visit their additional galleries because they feature everything from centerpieces and flowers to relaxation and pets. Click here for your very own drool fest.

I'm so glad that Real Simple enlarged the imagery on their website, because like you, when it comes to getting enough of a good thing, that simply does not exist when looking at gorgeous spaces!

(images from real simple)


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