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Just Checking In...

I miss you! There, I've said it. I can't stray very far from blogging without feeling the shakes coming on. Perhaps I'm slightly addicted? Whatever it is, I know I can't wait to get back to blogging regularly again because I feel like there's so much to talk about and share. I'm still on vacation, but I'll be back full speed ahead on Monday...

This photo is from Atwater Market in Montreal, where I spent a lot of time with friends grabbing yummy eats to carry around as we explored such a lovely city. Aren't these colors so pretty? Can you get over how inspired you can feel by something as mundane as a produce stand? But these colors are so perfect together, the blue and the red, that I just had to capture it while I ran through looking for my lunch.

Until we meet back here on Monday, I've left you with a new blog of the week, new as in never featured on decor8 before, but not new in general as Delicious Days has been blogging for quite a while now and are hugely popular. Based in Munich, Germany (my all time favorite food blog and hands-down, the most gorgeous layout ever), this blog is delightful, and when Nicky posts some of her travel shots, my knees weaken... Oh, and I've posted a book of the week that I own and really love called Scandinavian Modern. There's also a few new finds in my etsy ticker in the left column, so click around over there and see if there's anything that interests you. I'll see you on Monday!

Psst: If you're in the mood for a little trip to southern France via d:d, click here. I fell in love with this post back when Nicky wrote it in April...

(images from holly becker for decor8)