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Bluelines: It's Electric DIY Wallpaper Lanterns

Bluelines fashion editor Katie Hatch posted a fun how-to project It's Electric: DIY Wallpaper Lanterns that you may want to check out. It's a fun way to recycle those leftover bits of wallpaper that always remain after an installation.

Since she mentions her inability to confirm how safe they are (she only uses hers for parties while she's awake), I suggest following only her template instructions on creating the actual lantern and skip the whole light part and hang them without lights to add some character to your space. You can string several around your kitchen or on the patio, for instance. Maybe you can create tiny ones and string them beneath the umbrella of your patio set? Or use twinkle lights (clear bulbs, white cord) and fashion a mini lantern around each one by hand. Okay that's time consuming, but imagine the cuteness factor...

Click here to read more.

(images from bluelines)