Shabby Chic Continued...
To continue my earlier post on the new Shabby Chic collections, I thought I'd share some news that came to me via Rachel's in-house PR person (Renee). I was on a call with her yesterday so I have the scoop straight from the source for all you RA fans!
Their goal is to open 50 new Shabby Chic stores by 2010, with a few opening soon, Shabby Chic in Natick, MA (at the Natick Collection 9/7), and another in Lenox Square, Atlanta (during the second week of October). Rachel is working on another book and her website is soon to re-launch, too. And remember those episodes I told you about when she had her own show? They'll soon be available on DVD in stores. Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more of Rachel Ashwell. Here are a few more images that Renee sent over for you to enjoy.
Renee is working with Rachel to see if I can interview her for decor8, so if you have any questions that you'd like for me to ask, please let me know. It will not be a podcast, but a telephone interview that I'll turn into a blog post. All questions will be considered, so fire away!
(images from shabby chic)