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Three Potato Four

A thirst for vintage? Love a little old mixed in with the new? I was so excited to hear from Three Potato Four, I really appreciate that they took the time to write in about their online store. Especially since they offer fabulous vintage and new finds for (mostly) the home. Can that vintage pear jar be any sweeter?

Their selection is out of this world, the Zakka-esque products that have are so pretty, and the vintage finds, like the large vintage pulldown map (below), is simply the best. What a great way to add loads of color and interest to a wall if you rent and you're limited by what you're allowed to do in your space. Forget wallpaper and paint, this map stands alone. And it's a fun conversation piece, guests like to look at maps and talk about where they've been. I love stories like that.

I recall seeing an image in a past issue of Domino magazine, a homeowner/designer had a map on an entire wall in her kitchen. I can still see her lovely face and the outfit she was wearing, and I know exactly what her place looked like (her bedroom was very green), but I can't recall the issue or her name. Can anyone help me here? I'd love to show you because it's a great example of how maps as a decorative touch really work! I had a massive world map on my wall when I had my own place (before getting married), I'd marked all the places visited in my lifetime and I also marked the top 5 destinations that I hoped to travel to someday. I think having a map around is a great reminder that we really are tiny specks on this planet and there is so much more out there - it's quite humbling. I love globes as well, but you already know that about me from this post.

Aren't these vintage circus mugs from Ireland so charming? Perfect for those with a mug collection. I wish Three Potato Four much success in their new shop, and thank you again for writing in!

Psst: They also carry plates by Snowden Flood.

(images from three potato four)