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Memories Contained {diy}

This is one of those projects that do not require instructions, you just need a jar and a photo. How's that for simplicity and budget-friendly? Here I've used two jars, one vintage and one new, to 1) display my favorite photo and 2) for showing my quote of the month, usually torn from the pages of Real Simple or from a card, along these lines.

I like the idea of a quote jar because I can add new ones as I please and have the vessel for also adding all of the movie tickets and fortune cookie messages that my husband and I have saved since our first date. I can't take credit for the 'jar as display' idea though, I found it via Australian glossy Inside Out, given to me by one of their writers (thank you!). But I can take credit for the quote jar, that's entirely my own but you are welcome to try it for yourself. :) Simple but cute.

This is my favorite photo from our family collection of vintage shots, although I never say vintage around my mom. :) This photo is from the 1950's, of my mother (in the front) with her mom and sister behind her. This was snapped on their family farm where she grew up and I think everything about it is just too cute, especially the pom-pom ties on her coat and the little white socks. Even the car in the background. Sweet.

And I love seeing my grandmother this young and happy. Her name is Millie and she relocated to a New England farm in her late 20's from Wicker Park Chicago. She was always so stylish, must be the city girl in her, I remember her wearing heels around the house, even to the grocery store. Heck, even now at 87 she still gets her hair done up and insists on wearing red lipstick and clip-on earrings. But you see, these little memories contained here in a simple jar mean little to you but so much much to me. Now it's your turn to find a jar and place something inside that you love. Since I'm really tired of traditional picture frames crowded around on tables, this arrangement works for me. I hope you like it too.

(images from holly becker for decor8)