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Harmonie Int?rieure {new from France}

Just when you think you've seen it all in the world of vinyl wall decals, you discover something that's new and blows you away like Harmonie Int?rieure.

I heard from a Fabien Barral, a graphic designer based in France who recently launched this exciting new project alongside wife Fr?d?rique using graphic design a bit differently in the home. Together they take their designs and photographs and apply them in the form of wall stickers that are anything but typical. In addition to decals of photos and such, there's also posters, books, and notebooks with some of the most inspiring imagery I've seen in a long time.

The ornament pattern is my favorite because you pretty much use it to decal/wallpaper your entire wall and just peel it off when you move. I mean, c'mon - this is a brilliant idea. Thank you so much Fabien for writing to me, your work is inspiring and I'm starting to imagine a future now when wallpaper becomes more peel 'n stick for people on the go.

(images from harmonie int?rieure)