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Books I'm Excited About...

I'm a major book junkie. What about you? But lately I can't say that a single title has caught my attention, it's been awhile since I walked into the local bookstore and felt excited about the interior design or arts 'n crafts section. Fortunately, that's about to change starting as soon as later this month - yay! Our fantastic design fix is soon to come and I couldn't be happier. Here are some books on my pre-order wish list, including one from Lotta Jansdotter, a book from Dooce, and that great Selina Lake book discussed here on decor8 recently during our interview. Here's a few on my wish list...

Apartment Therapy Presents: Real Homes, Real People, Hundreds of Design Solutions by Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan (the pioneer of design blogs over at Apartment Therapy), Lotta Prints: How to Print with Anything, from Potatoes to Linoleum by Lotta Jansdotter, Bazaar Style by author and stylist Selina Lake (you already met the author here), and Crafting a Business from Country Living magazine.

Also shown above; Junk Beautiful (these ladies have a massive cult following, here's their first book Junk Market Style), New Decorating: With Stylish, Practical Projects for Every Room by Elizabeth Wilhide (the same author that brought us New Decor, she's really great), Sew & Stow by Betty Oppenheimer, and Things I Learned About My Dad: Humorous and Heartfelt Essays by Heather B. Armstrong of Dooce fame (Go, Heather!)

Feeling crafty? There's Papercraft by Angelika Wolk-Gerche, Pretty Little Patchwork and Pretty Little Potholders looks fun, then there's ReMAKE ReSTYLE ReUSE: Easy Ways to Transform Everyday Basics into Inspired Design (I have this in German but it's soon to be released in English and I couldn't be happier!), if you love paper products then The Paper Home: Side Tables, Clocks, Bowls, and Other Home Projects Made from Paper may be a good one for you, it looks like a neat DIY book.

Another few titles that hold promise: Debbie Bliss Home: 27 Hand Knits for Living, Pillow Book: Over 25 Simple-to-Sew Patterns for Every Room and Every Mood, or if you're in the drawing mood there's Fashion Illustration Techniques. Finally there's a little something for the faux fans out there called Paint Style: The New Approach to Decorative Paint Finishes from Benjamin Moore which promises to deliver a more modern take on faux designs (thank God) that mimic wallpaper and such and allows you a shot at some creative expression while saving money by doing it yourself.

Whew! Now if that wish list doesn't satisfy your cravings...

A few of these titles just released but most of them are available on Amazon as pre-orders. I'm an Amazon affiliate which means I earn a whopping 4% on books that sell via the links above, so maybe if a couple hundred books sell I may be able to buy a paperback. That's not why I post about books, but I wanted to at least disclose the affiliate part.

(images from amazon)