Something's Hiding In Here
I stumbled upon etsy shop Something's Hiding In Here via Rena on Flickr recently, I'd not heard of them before so it was fun to find them -- super creative, love the color palette, sweet packaging, their designs rock. The package design in particular is so very clever -- notice the wooden acorn charms on a paint swatch. Hello! {two snaps} Cuteness squared.

Something's Hiding In Here has a blog, too. Here's the link. I've been searching around trying to find out their names and background but I've been a bit unsuccessful because my time on the web today is very limited -- I need to sign off for awhile. I think it's a couple from Philly but I can't be sure. Do you know? Whoever they are, they are ultra crafty for sure so please give me a hand here because I'd love to name the creators behind so much greatness. :)
I'm on my way out now, but I'll be back later on...
(images from something's hiding in here)