Happy Friday!
I hope all of you dear friends have a very nice weekend, I'm signing off for the day to go on a date with my husband -- dinner and a movie! Yay! Let's hear it for having a husband that takes you on a date each and every Friday night for 7 years. It's the best night of my week.

Perfect for a girl who writes stuff as much as I do. :)
Pretty things from Ez from a recent swap we did, this is a view of it on my credenza. The notebook says, "She decided to start living the life she'd imagined". Despite the ups and downs involved in making major life changes, we have no regrets when we try and way to many when we don't. If you are about to embark on making some changes in your life, maybe you should pick up a little notebook from Compendium like this one for yourself too.
(image from holly becker for decor8)