Reader Question: Outdoor Fabrics?

This time of year, I get asked a lot about outdoor fabric and where to find it. Lisa is a decor8 reader who just wrote in, "Hi Holly, I'm a huge fan of your blog. I too love fabric! I was just curious if you have ever come across any great outdoor fabric. I'm on the hunt for something really great in yellow...any thoughts would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks!"

Since more emails are starting to roll in asking for outdoor fabric, I've decided to pull together an outdoor fabric round-up today on decor8 to help Lisa and anyone else reading today who is looking for it.

If you have a favorite place to shop online for outdoor cushions, fabric, umbrellas, garden stuff, etc. please feel free to comment below and I'll consider including it. Thank you!


Outdoor Fabric {and garden} Resources


Boston Locals: Brain Blast Tonight