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Ferm Living Event + decor8 Events Listing on Thursdays

Turquoise will soon play host to the fabulous Ferm Living by celebrating their one year anniversary in a few weeks (date TBD). Ferm Living will display their wallpaper line in the Turquoise showroom along with some exciting new products and to sip some delicious cocktails. Please email Vanessa De Vargas AT for details and to be added to the guest list.

By the way, what's going on in your part of the world? If you are attending an art or design-related event, or if there's a great new store or gallery you'd like to share with others, please email me with the details so I can include it in the new decor8 Thursday Events: Art + Design Near You round up on decor8 appearing weekly kicking off on March 20th.

All events and announcements need to be linked to a website where complete details can be found since the decor8 mention will only include show name, location, date, and time, along with a link to the website.

Please contact me no sooner than 10 days in advance. Emails that arrive weeks or months in advance will not post since I receive over 1,200 lovely letters during the average work week and I run decor8 alone so there's no way I can remember your event if you send it that far in advance.

Please contact me at decor8blog AT (no phone calls, please) with the subject EVENT or NEW STORE/GALLERY in the title. Please include website and a link to your site or blog so that I can tip my hat to you in the post.

Thank you!

(image from ferm living)