A Few Must Haves for Spring

Here are a few must haves for sprucing up ones nest for Spring! It's obvious to me that geometric prints are huge again this season. I have zero problem with this, in fact I'm thrilled to pieces to see that you can scoop up affordable rugs with that high end showroom look we all crave without the massive price tag.

Here's a few of my favorites this week: The petal rug in yellow from West Elm, a fish umbrella stand sold at Pieces that I found in the April issue of Domino magazine, the Bridget mirror from Pottery Barn (because it reminds me of this one below), and of course everything in a room can't be brand new so a fab vintage chair from Turquoise LA is another must.

I see the Bridget mirror against a dark brown wall much like the one Petit Collage has in her living room. She found her mirror in South America so the Bridget a nice find if you're looking for something along these lines. I heart this living room so much. I love her collections, you can view more of her home here.

And have you seen some of the new rugs at Pottery Barn? PB is surprising me lately. Love these geometric prints and their selection of awning stripes would be great for giving the bedroom or eating area a boost. I imagine a black and white one against a black painted hardwood floor with crisp white walls and lots of Scandinavian inspired furnishings. Yum.

(images from west elm, turquoise, pottery barn, and pieces)


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